by puredesign | Oct 30, 2009
The packing has carried on through the night with boxes mounting around us, the Apple Macs being the last boxes to fill…. During the packing some of the smaller members of our team were packed away making a calmer move possible : ) Our new phone number will be:...
by puredesign | Apr 17, 2009
For anyone based on the French Riviera, the recent ‘chatter’ and gossip about THE new online lifestyle magazine soon to launch here on the Côte d’Azur has been gaining pace. Pure Design were first contacted back in December 2008 by Wayne Brown and...
by puredesign | Jan 7, 2009
So here we are 7 days into 2009. Â We closed our doors over Xmas and New Year and enjoyed a nice relaxing time back in Preston in the UK with the family. Â I managed to get through all my “to do’s” from my list this time: – drinking locally...
by puredesign | Nov 11, 2008
On the 9th November 2003 we packed our little Corsa up and set off down the M6 heading for the south of France. Today, we have celebrated 5 years in France with a warm baguette, slab of cheese and some cheap, but rather lovely red wine. Our 5 year anniversary in...
by puredesign | Sep 29, 2008
Between email, MSN, Skype, SMS, and the office phone, I am pretty well “connected”. In fact, just flying over to the UK recently was strange as I was “offline†for four hours at a time! Wooooohhhhhh, shock, horror!!!! Many people nowadays expect an...
by puredesign | Jan 17, 2008
This video really summed up one of my reasons for moving to France and how some people have REALLY bad days in the office – especially when it comes to computers!!! [youtube][/youtube] If you’re spending over 50%...