French/English Bilingual Website Launched

We are proud to announce the launch of the Pure Design website in French.  After a few weeks of hard graft translating the wording, meta information and links we are pleased to be able to reach out to our French audience requiring website design, advertising or print...

Search Engine Optimisation French Riviera

In November of this year Google released its first official guide to Search Engine Optimisation in the form of a 22 page PDF  – Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide. The guide is well written and offers excellent basic advice on such topics as Page Titles,...

The Big Blue Bijou Movement

BBB – Big Blue Bijou is one of the most exciting brands to arrive on the French Riviera. Founded by Jessica Dash, the Bijou brand is the next Big thing in events and luxury breaks in the south of France. We were commissioned with the project of rebranding across...

Pure Design International ‘New’ Website Launch

  As the whole of France gets back to work this September, we at Pure Design International have been busy developing our new company website during the summer. Packed full of new features and built with pure CSS and XHTML, the new website presents recent work...

Compass Management Solutions

 We are delighted to announce the signing of new client Compass Management Solutions.  A health and safety consultancy company based near Manchester, UK, Pure Design were called on to design the corporate identity including logo, stationery and website. Our...

How much should a web site cost?

Trying to determine how much you should pay for a website is one of the most difficult topics for a web designer to explain. How much a website SHOULD cost and how much a website DOES cost is also open to debate. The price for a web site has dramatically dropped over...